Articles from Free Software Foundation News

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LibrePlanet 2024: "Cultivating Community" will feature a keynote by David Wilson

BOSTON, Massachusetts, USA -- October 10, 2023 -- The Free
Software Foundation (FSF) today announced free software
developer and video creator David Wilson, as its first keynote
speaker for LibrePlanet 2024, the sixteenth edition of the
FSF's conference on ethical technology and user freedom.
LibrePlanet will be held in March in the Boston area as well as

FSF celebrates forty years of GNU with a hackday for families, hackers, and hackers-to-be

BOSTON, Massachusetts, USA -- Wednesday, September 27, 2023 --
Today, the GNU Project turned forty years old. To celebrate this,
the Free Software Foundation (FSF) is hosting a hack day for
families, students, and anyone interested in hacking.

Forty years of GNU and the free software movement

BOSTON, Massachusetts, USA -- September, 18, 2023 -- On September
27, the Free Software Foundation (FSF) celebrates the 40th
anniversary of the GNU operating system and the launch of the
free software movement. Free software advocates, tinkerers, and
hackers all over the world will celebrate this event, which was a
turning point in the history of computing. Forty years later, GNU and
free software are even more relevant. While software has become deeply
ingrained into everyday life, the vast majority of users do not have

Free Software Gigabit Mini VPN Router (TPE-R1400) from ThinkPenguin, Inc. now FSF-certified to Respect Your Freedom

BOSTON, Massachusetts, USA -- Thursday, April 6, 2023 -- The Free
Software Foundation (FSF) awarded Respects Your Freedom (RYF)
certification to the Free Software Gigabit Mini VPN Router (TPE-R1400)
from ThinkPenguin, Inc. The RYF certification mark means that this
product meets the FSF's standards in regard to users' freedom, control
over the product, and privacy.